Ultimate guide to making money from #AmazonAffiliate building #Nichesite
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Building an Amazon Affiliate niche site is one of the best ways to see huge profits on a small investment.
Currently, people are discovering the awesome benefits of creating Amazon affiliate niche site and are seeing more and more commission come their way as their site grows.
If you have decided to be successful online, brace yourselves for the practical information provided in this step-by-step guide to building the perfect Amazon affiliate niche site, and making money from Amazon affiliate program.
What is an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site?
Unlike many other websites online, niche sites focus on a handful of specific products or topics.
For example, any site that offers reviews and performance analysis for a single product, or a lot of a very few similar products, can be considered a niche website.
To put it in simple words, “When making a niche website to help promote a particular type of Amazon products, you are creating an Amazon niche website.”
According to Wikipedia,
Niche blogging is the act of creating a blog with the intent of using it to market to a particular niche market. While it could be argued that every blog is, in some form, a niche blog, the term as it applies to marketing refers to a particular kind of blog.
For affiliate marketers, we consider niche site a website having around 30 to 50 contents for a particular type of products.
Thanks to Amazon’s effective affiliate program, marketers are making thousands of dollars.
Some people are finding financial freedom and traveling the world from niche site income.
Some marketers are in fact building banks from Amazon! I personally made six figures in a year from niche sites.
Some people are even making millions.
Most of the marketers are using niche site model to make money from Amazon affiliate.
Some marketers say, large authority sites provide the harshest competition for niche sites, but the market for niche sites is still strong.
It is working.
It will work in the future too.
Google loves niche specific sites:
Niche sites still benefit from the ability to be set up faster, and for much less of an investment.
Simply doing keyword research, registering a domain name, WordPress install, proper content publishing, and building high quality backlinks will enable you to make money.
In fact, all of this can be done within a couple of weeks (except the link building part) if you know how to go about it.
On this complete step by step guide, I will make you understand how to build and make money from Amazon affiliate niche site.
Step by step:
Step 1: Find A Profitable Niche
The first step of building a niche site and making money from Amazon affiliate program is, select a niche or specific product that you want to promote and build a site around.
Paying attention to what is purchased in high volumes from Amazon (huge number of reviews) is the first step to finding the most profitable products to build Amazon niche site around.
You can find profitable niche site simple by following any of the methods.
Browse Through Amazon Category
Amazon category is the best source of finding profitable ideas for niche site. You can find thousands of types of product names in each category to use them as seed keyword and doing your final keyword research.
- Pick a category that includes products you’re interested in building a site around.
- Choose a sub-category.
- Check out the left-hand column to find a product that cost over $100 on average (doing so helps you gain more worthwhile commission rates), and that has an average customer rating of 3.5 stars or higher.
How To Steal Profitable Niche Keyword?
Hint: EmpireFlippers.com is a gold mine on this purpose!
EmpireFlippers is a marketplace for buying and selling Amazon affiliate niche sites.
They thoroughly review every single site before listing on the marketplace, so there is no scope of getting site listed with fake information.
What makes EmpireFlippers stands out is, they keep site URL private and only serious buyers with a 5% deposit can see the site.
I never bought any single site from them, nor deposited money to see URL. However, the marketplace is greatly helping me giving idea of profitable niches:
You can see the industry of specific site and how much they are making.
Like the images below…
If you click on any listing, you can see further details of the specific listing.
You can see the description with content idea. You can easily build a list of some profitable niche to go further.
So you can see what’s the site about and how much they are making from the site.
Find Niche Idea With TheSweetHome.com Posts
TheSweetHome is a big deal whenever it comes to Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Founded by Brian Lam, former editor of Gizmodo, the site is making some serious money.
The site is ranked on the top for thousands of keywords, and the keywords are chosen very carefully, after thorough research.
What you can do, just browse TheSweetHome posts to discover hundreds of profitable niches.
Check iWriter Profiles’ To Get Niche Site Idea
I use iWriter to get my niche site contents written. I know hundreds of marketers are using their service too.
So how can we use them to find profitable niche ideas?
You can easily check the profiles of top ranked and average writers and see what they are up to.
Check the history of the contents they wrote; you will find dozens of niche ideas. As they wrote the contents for other marketers’, means you can expect this to be a profitable market.
Find Niche Idea From TopTenReviews.com Subdomains and Categories
TopTenReviews.com is a multimillion dollar company reviewing products and services.
They rate and publish reviews of thousands of products that are available in Amazon.
As a company with big investment, you can sure they have some big guys in the team for keyword research. What you can do is simply vesting their categories and pick them for further research.
As long as they have a contents on the site, be sure the particular niche is a profitable one.
What next?
Okay, you have done the hard work.
But how to proceed now?
By using one of these methods mentioned above, you can easily find profitable niches that (niche products) have at least:
- 10 customer reviews on Amazon
- Price at least $100 on average
Note: If you are planning to build a larger site, select a product that also has related accessory products available on Amazon (e.g.: For Road bike, helmet or light is an accessory). Selecting this type of products always bring better result. Try to focus more on this type of products.
Following all the criteria I just mentioned, you need to build a list of products for further keyword research.
Step 2: Proper Keyword Research and Competition Analysis
Researching keywords and competition analysis is needed after building a list of niches you want to work with.
The keywords you use will make or break your ability to run a successful Amazon niche site.
Knowing how to properly research the keywords that will lead you to success. To ensure further success, knowing how to analyze the competition you will be facing is the key.
I use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to research keywords and Long Tail Pro to analyze the competition (Check my review of Long Tail Pro V3).
For doing keyword research, I keep AIDA principle in mind.
When people start their searches online with generic term like ‘Camera’, its’ more for basic information.
As they figure out which one to buy, they get more specific on what exactly they are looking for. So they search specific search terms like ‘Nikon D5300 DSLR Camera Review’.
Generic terms don’t bring sells, specific terms do.
Check out the image below to get idea of online purchases and how research cycle relates to AIDA principle.
Overall, the closer terms of ‘Action’ you use, the higher your conversion rates will be, and the more commission you will make off of your niche site.
These are the search pattern close to ‘action’
- Best/Top Rate + Product Name
- Cheap + Product Name
- Quality + Product Name
- Product Name + For Sale
- Product Name + Review/Reviews
- Product Name + Coupon
- Where Can I Buy + Product Name
- Buy + Product Name
- Best + Product Name + Review
- Best + Product Name + Online
- Best + Product Name + Year
- VS/Or/Compare to + Product Name
For me, I always prefer to work with ‘Best + Product type’ keyword as main keyword of a niche site.
Having a list of 50+ keywords (including product list long tail keywords, review keywords and resources keywords) to build the strength of your niche site on search engine results is imperative to your site’s future success, so don’t cut corners here.
Metrics I follow when finalizing a niche are straightforward. I usually select ones which have:
- Search Volume – 800 to 3500
- KC – Under 30
- Dozens of products available on Amazon
- Product Price ranging from $50 to $500
- Not a seasonal keyword
I have a detailed and step by step tutorial on keyword research and competition analysis for Amazon Niche Site. Check out the content to learn my exact keyword research process that’s making me thousands of dollars from Amazon per month.
Step 3: Picking the Right Domain Name
After finding the right niche and set of keywords, you will need a domain name. You should register a domain name that will be easily identifiable what your site about.
Exact Match or Brandable Domain?
Finding a name that is catchy and relevant to your product niche is important. I personally recommend going for brandable names, rather going for heavy keyword rich or exact match domains.
Exact match domain is not as powerful as it was to be in the past.
If your keyword is ‘best kitchen knife’, for example, a site named “bestkitchenknife.com” will be a poor choice, while something catchier such as “KnifeGuide.com” will likely be better choice.
Your domain name has to be brandable if you want to see your niche site eventually take off, so keep this in mind when choosing a site name.
Domain Extension [Hint: Go for .com]
If at all possible, you want to get a domain name that ends with .com.
Although other domain extensions will work in most cases (and work same in when it comes to ranking on search engine), the .com extension is the easiest to remember, and the most easily recognized by visitors.
If all the domain extensions get same value in ranking, why still I suggest you to go for a .com domain?
Google prefers brands when ranking websites, so you need to build a brand to be on the top.
(Google’s recent Alphabet branding is completely exception; and exceptions don’t count)
How To Get A Brandable Domain Name Idea?
Certain site name generators can be useful in helping you choose the right name. Trying sites such as Bust A Name can be a great place to start your search for the perfect domain name to fit your niche site.
You can also use the following suffix with your niche and see if the domain name is available for registration.
Domain Name Suffix You Can Use
- Guide
- Magazine
- Pro
- Lab
- Express
- Garden
- Review
- Reviewed
Your Turn
Once you’ve decided on a knockout name, you will need to register the domain. You can register your domain name from Godaddy or Namecheap.
Or you can simply go for Bluehost, if you buy a hosting package from them, they will give you a free domain name.
Once you’ve purchased a domain name for your site, it’s time to move on to the next step.
Step 4: Purchasing Super-Fast Web Hosting
Technically, a “web hosting service” refers to the server where your site’s information will be stored and relayed to your visitors.
There are several things to consider before buying niche site hosting.
Site loading issue comes first.
Load times are extremely important to the success of your Amazon niche site, as without the ability to load quickly, people will likely leave your site before they consume your content and click on your affiliate link.
Google counts loading speed as ranking factor, keep loading speed into contingency and choose a hosting that offers you best site performance.
“Customer Support” of the hosting companies is a crucial factor as well.
The two best options on the market currently for niche site owners are Bluehost and Hostgator. SiteGround is another great option for niche site builders.
Both companies provide all the options you will need to run a successful Amazon niche website, and can be accessed for a very low cost. Currently, you can host your domain via Bluehost for as low as $6.95 a month, and in HostGator for as low as $7.16per month.
Pat Flynn (and some other great marketers) recommend Bluehost as the best hosting provider. For my public niche site project, I’m going for this provider over any other providers.
These are the reasons I recommend Bluehost.
- Competitive price
- Extremely helpful support
- Free domain name
- Automated backup
- WordPress recommended hosting
Step 5: Setting Up The Site (CMS, Themes, Plugins & Configurations)
Once you are done with registering your domain name and hosting, Setting up website comes in the next step.
We need to install a Content Management System(CMS) to get the website functional.
WordPress is considered one of the best choices for those looking for highly functional, fast, and highly customizable CMS.
Almost 25% of the entire web is powered by WordPress.
For Amazon niche site, we should never choose any other platform over WordPress. It is a dynamic CMS with most of the themes, plugins and add-ons for a successful website is available for that platform.
When creating your Amazon niche website using WordPress, the themes and plug-ins you choose to utilize are of critical importance.
Thankfully, this process is very simple for niche site owners, and won’t take a big time investment to see big results.
Installing WordPress is as simple creating an email account!
What’s The Best Theme For Amazon Niche Site?
The best theme option available by far is the FocusBlog theme. This is the exact theme I’m using on marketever.com.
Here are just a few of the amazing features you will gain access to through FocusBlog:
- Extensive Look and Feel Options
- Built for conversion
- Very clean look and faster loading
- Designs that are Both Mobile and Desktop Friendly
You can also go for AuthorityAzon, an intuitive WordPress theme designed and developed for Amazon affiliate marketers.
You can also check my post to know some other recommended WordPress themes for Amazon niche sites.
Plugins To Install On Your Amazon Niche Site
Once you are done with theme setup, you need install some plugins to get your site completely ready as niche site.
You can check my post to know the details of plugins I’m using for my niche sites (and why) here.
To summarize it, here is the list of plugins required:
- Yoast SEO
- Jetpack by WordPress.com
- Akismet
- EasyAzon
- WordPress Backup to Dropbox
- W3 Total Cache
- Social Locker
- Q2W3 Fixed Widget
- Click To Tweet
- Free Tools to grow your Email List, Social Sharing and Analytics by SumoMe
- Pinterest Pin It Button On Image Hover and Post
- Outbound Link Manager
- Floating Social Bar
- Contact Form 7
- TablePress
- Thrive Content Builder
- Thrive Leads
Step 6: Setup Mandatory Pages / Menu
There are some mandatory pages you need to create before making your Amazon affiliate niche site live.
- About
- Contact
- Privacy Policy
- Affiliate Disclosure
These are the pages I create before opening my niche site for Google to index. Not only these make the site legitimate to visitors, this helps Google to understand about your websites’ credibility.
I keep all the pages mentioned above with a top menu. I also put a short ‘Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer’ in the footer and link it to the page.
This is something you must do to avoid your Amazon Affiliate account ban.
Step 7: Proper Content Creation and Publishing
Once you are done with setting up your site and mandatory pages, it’s time to publish contents.
When creating content, you must follow certain guidelines to ensure you receive high search engine rankings, and that you have pages’ customers will actually interact with.I have written a detailed content on writing contents for Amazon affiliate niche site that converts, you should follow every steps I mentioned.
Let me summarize niche site contents here:
I try to publish multiple types of contents on a niche site.
Publishing multiple types of contents besides product reviews is necessary. In fact, to appease Google, you will want to make sure the search giant doesn’t take you as a shady affiliate site trying to trick them, send visitors away (affiliate site) and make money with some product review articles.
In addition to reviews, you will want to have buying guides, resource and how to articles, lists of products by types and more.
Write Exactly What The Audience Is Searching For
Articles should be straightforward, and their titles should make it immediately clear what their use is to your audience.
Check what your competitors are writing and come up with a better copy than them.
Well written and useful reviews will help bring visitors to your site, and can help turn those visitors into Amazon customers, landing you a commission.
Titles that include phrases like “Top 5 [Product Name] for [Target Audience]” are always a good template to follow.
Content Format [Hint: Write At-Least 700 Word Reviews]
It’s a good idea to mix up the length and format of your content, as search engines will reward you for having content of different lengths structured around any given keyword.
As you can see the image, serpIQ found that longer contents tend to rank better on Google.
So what’s my content length suggestion for Amazzon affiliate niche site?
For review contents – I try to maintain a minimum length of 700 words per post.
For product list long tail keyword contents – at least 1500 words each.
And length of other contents depends on requirement and the importance of the topics.
Don’t Forget On-Page SEO
When thinking about what kind of content to create, you should keep SEO practices in mind, but you should also think about the user experience, and what kind of content your visitors are likely to interact with.
When writing contents, don’t forget common On-Page SEO techniques to implement. In fact, On Page SEO factors are 70% of all ranking factors, according to Moz.
You can read my detailed guideline on how to do on-page SEO.
Some Other Content Considerations To Take Into Action
- In the rest of your review, you should focus on unboxing photos, detailed product summaries, real person feedback and product experiences, Amazon review citations, product comparisons, and more information about the product.
- Tons of photos should be in every review. Always make sure these photos link back to the Amazon products you are trying to gain commissions from.
Step 8 : Creating Social Media Profiles
Remember when I said the customer centric and valuable content would be useful during future promotion of your Amazon niche website?
Well, one of the best platforms out there for the promotion of this content is social media. With social media, you get an extremely cheap, and sometimes free way to promote the niche product you are trying to sell to your audience.
Driving traffic to your site via social media platforms will help boost your organic search engine rankings and make your brand more visible across the internet.
Facebook and Twitter are the best platforms for promoting your niche site, but different social media platforms have various advantages, and if you have the time to invest, the more places you promote your niche site the better.
Just keep in mind that, the more people share your link, the more visible you will become on both social media and in search rankings, so always post consistently and focus on sharing high quality, engaging material.
So these are the final list I invest my time on…
- Facebook Page
- Twitter Account
- Google Plus Business Page
- Pinterest Business Page
- YouTube Channel
(As part of my public niche site case study series, I’m experimenting these traffic sources and I will be publishing the detailed case studies soon.)
Seems too much of work?
Not really!
You shouldn’t focus much here…
Social Media Strategy For Small Niche Site
As search engine traffic is my number one focus, I don’t spend much time with social media marketing for niche site. But if you have bigger goal with a single site, you can try to build some large loyal followers.
For small niche sites, working this much on social media promotion will be over killing your effort. For me, I work a couple of days to get a decent number of followers and consistently post new contents on the channels. That’s just it, I do nothing more for a niche site.
Once you have set up brand pages, you can buy social signals or promotions from sites like Social Kingo and UpTopSocial. They have social media marketing services for all major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Go with the small packages only, as I don’t recommend spending much money on this type of promotion for your niche website.
Social Media Strategy For Larger Niche Site
Well, I discussed social media promotion for small niche site.
For larger niche site or authority site?
Once you have a decent number of followers, you need to get engaged with them and get them like your contents.
How to do that?
Likable have a niche infographic on how you can do it.
I repeat:
This process is for large niche, or authority sites.
Do I need paid social media promotion?
To build some followers for your blog rapidly…
In addition to simple and traditional posting, Facebook and other social media platforms offer paid ad services that you might be interested to try.
Thanks to a much higher click rate than other traditional PPC setups, these services can be highly beneficial to your Amazon niche website’s success if you have the money to invest.
For me, I don’t focus on paid ads much, rather I focus more on link building.
Step 9 : High-Quality Link Building
Having quality links in and out of your content has been a consistently effective way to get big search engines like Google to rank your site.
The more links to your website, the more likely you are to be seen when someone searches the keywords you are targeting for your niche.
As the images shows, Google’s 66.46% of ranking factors are related to backlinks. So building high quality backlink is really important to get a niche site ranked.
Knowing how to build high quality links is the first step to ensuring you are on the right track.
Basically, when other sites link to yours, Google and other search engines will see you as an authority, and give your higher rankings in search engine results.
As a niche site owner, you want to look for places where you can build links to your site that are low effort and low cost.
Here’s a few places to start looking:
- Web 2.0 Sites
- Article Directories, like eHow
- Social Media Sites
- Social Bookmarking sites, like StumbleUpon, Reddit
- Q&A Sites, like Yahoo! Answers and Quora
- Quality Web Directories
- Forum posts in niche specific forums
- Photo sharing sites, like Flickr
- Infographic creation and distribution
- Guest Posts
- Blog outreach
- Resource page link building
Some of the sites above are easy to build links from because you can start your own profile for free or cheap and start linking back to your own sites.
These links I call as foundation link.
If you can gain at least 10 links from each one, or at least most of these categories, your niche website will be on the right track.
Constantly building your link potential is important if you want your niche site to remain successful, so always be looking for new linking opportunities to and from your site.
Ultimately, you will want to have around 100/150 base links within 3months of launching your Amazon niche website to ensure you have the right foundation for success.
As your niche site grows, you will want to start looking for linking opportunities in more valuable places which will be harder to build links from:
Like guest posting and blog outreach.
These links I call as power link that helps hugely to get your ranks improved rapidly.
Writing guest posts on other sites and blogs is a good place to start building more valuable links. From there, you can start networking with authorities and other site owners, and look for people willing to link back to your site.
Step 10 : Optimising Conversion Rates
If you have visitors on your site.
But they won’t make you money unless you can make them purchase products from Amazon.
You need to initiate some efforts to get them click on your affiliate link and buy products from Amazon.
If you don’t do the conversion rate optimisation in proper way, you won’t see much profit from a niche site.
If you want to see your site generate big commissions, you need to think about optimising your conversion rates.
The more qualified your leads are, the more likely you are able to convert them to paying customers that will gain you commission.
That’s why targeting keywords that are associated with buying is such a good tool, thought your conversion rate optimisation can’t stop there.
There are a few important steps you can take to make it more likely that visitors become customers once they are actually on your site.
- Always include a call to action in the “above the fold section” of your reviews, and at the beginning and end of every article you create. A good call to action will direct visitors towards Amazon, making it more likely for your casual readers to turn into commission generating buyers.
- Use a lot of in-content text links. For me, I use Amazon affiliate link every time I mention any product name in the content. As well as I add some special contextual call to action in the body.
- You can use coloured information box on the content body. And at the end, you can add a strong call to action just like an example shown below.
- Always use high quality images on post, and make the product images clickable.
- Comparison tables can be excellent for helping people follow the links you want them to. If you make the product you are trying to sell look obviously superior to the competition, you will bring to see your commission rates skyrocket.
- Use beautifully designed button after the content that catches visitors’ attention and make them click on the link.
Split Test A Lot
The best way to get maximum conversion rate is split test a lot. Make some small changes on the site, see the effect of for one week and decide which one is better.
Step 11 : Scaling Up Your Site
By using all these steps appropriately, you will begin to see your site grow.
As you grow more traffic, you will want to scale up your site to handle the newly increased traffic. That can mean investing in a more expensive hosting plan, investing in more contents, and even outsourcing some link building for your site.
As long as you keep posting high quality and engaging content, and keep staying on top of the various SEO practices outlined above.
For me, once my site is ranked, I focus on new niche sites. I also keep publishing contents on the ranked site on a regular basis. Depending on site to site, I keep a schedule of 1 content per week to 1 content per month.
So there are the things you can do to scale your niche site…
- Creating more SEO content around more keywords related to your niche.
- Link building your existing content to improve its rankings. Focus more in deep page link building.
- Start collecting email address and nurture them on a regular basis. Once your list is big enough, you can launch any digital products or send them periodic contents to get more visitor on your niche site.
If you follow the tips in this guide, the growth potential of your Amazon niche site is almost endless.
There are plenty of resources online to scale of niche site business.
Dom Well from Human Proof Design published a post on 6 months’ growth strategy for niche site. Mike Bradford has a similar resource over at NicheSiteAzon.
Your Turn
So I’m coming to a conclusion to a monster guide to making money from Amazon building niche site. As you probably guessed, the scope is huge, it’s a BILLION dollar market.
Amazon affiliate is great, simple way to start making money online.
Niche site builders are making a lot of money:
I hope this step by step guide will help you understand the whole process and get your journey started. The process I showed above is really feasible and future proof.
If you have any questions, let me know in the comments and I will get back to you with my thoughts.
A big content but step by step niche guideline 🙂 Go Ahead, Sky is The only limit.
I’m glad that you loved it, Mahbub!
Awesome article. A great contribution to the community. Hats of Brother!
I’m trying my best, Asif. Keep visiting Marketever 🙂
I am a fan of this blog. Today I got an excellent delivery from you. I will start Amazon affiliate Asap. I will follow your guideline. Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad that you loved the blog, Mozahidi
Great Guideline! I have got some more clear ideas.Specially getting ideas from empireflippers.
Exactly, there is no better way than finding niche idea from EmpireFlippers 🙂
The contents are really interesting and useful. It will leave a better space for the young generation to be benefitted
Brother! You are just awesome. I want to thank you for teaching me about Amazon Affiliate Program through your regular posts! Thank you.
I’m very happy to know that Marketever is helping you 🙂
Great post Bro. Keep doing the great job. Expecting more and more serious information about amazon niche blogging.
Alright Hasive. My writing calendar is full with Amazon niche blogging resource ideas. Hope to publish them all one by one.
Really impressive article & it will help a lot. I’m regular reader of marketever blog & will continue …… :). Keep it up brother.
Thanks Khalid. I loved your blog too!
Great article!!! Easy to understand all the steps…Hope, Your contribution to the community will continue … 🙂
Thanks, Anwar!
I’m trying my best, and I hope to keep my effort continue
Awesome guide. Loved it!
I’ve been planning to create a niche site for years. This post gives me courage to create one. Hope I’ll be able to start one soon. Thanks for sharing this ultimate guide.
I’m glad that this guide helps, Istiak!
I love your blog too. A lot of technical resources for bloggers. Keep up the good work.
Very clear article. Great!
Glad that it helps, Juan
Your guideline is very clear, i feel easy . thanks to you, for your hard work for us.
You are welcome Nadim.
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further resources regarding Amazon Affiliate Marketing. I would love to plan and publish on Marketever blog.
Excellent guideline! haven’t seen before. I have gotten some new ideas which will be very helpful building a niche site. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Monir.
Glad to know that I could help.
Really i am reading a definitive guide, Didn’t finish yet. This time i got a question about domain choosing. You have said well that i would know also.
But i have read MOZ 2015 ranking study where has been said, keeping keyword in domain has positive effect. I might be wrong. Would you tell me please the story about keyword in domain. 🙂
Thanks for raising the question about EMD/PMD, Shahinuzzaman.
Yes, Keyword in domain name still helps, but not as much as it used to be in the past.
IMO, it’s better to focus on greater brandability and long term working scope when choosing a domain name. And it’s hard to make a brand using a EMD of long 3/4/5 word keyword.
I hope this helps 🙂
Yes, You said well that like “its hard to make brand using emd”
Really got your ans helpful. 🙂
Dear Al-Amin Kabir,
First of all. I am not opting to make a pessimistic reply to your post.
But, monitoring and working on search engine marketing for the last 6 years influence me to make some useful reply to your post.
Let me be straight. I am skeptical about your own approach of SEO in marketever.com,
The era of SEO is changing. It`s all about “how best you can help people that others cannot do yet”.
It`s all about bridging the content gap; filling the content gap.
Read the article at https://moz.com/ugc/why-i-stopped-selling-seo-services-and-you-should-too
I am not an affiliate marketing expert like you.
But if I were: I would write details about “How to write unique contents (which most of the amazon affiliate marketers are missing) on some products(affiliate) that can drives more sales”.
If you can write a article like this by researching hundreds of (mid)successful sites and present a comparative picture then your article will either go viral/or be shared with time.
In this way you can prove yourself as an expert in this field. People around the word working on affiliate marketing will remember your name with respect.
And Google will rank you for most of the amazon affiliate tips keyword automatically. At last, it is needless to say you will end up with tons of profit money,
NB: Replying to every user comment is a good SEO practice.
Hello Sazzad Ahammad,
Thanks for the comment and suggestion.
I have a detailed content on marketever about writing content for niche site., and I’m posting new contents every week.
I will keep your suggestion in mind when planning for next contents. 🙂
Thanks for publish great content again. Learned a lot !
I’m glad that you loved the content, Injamul!
After a long time read a long article. Nice article with proper description and guideline.
I’m glad that you loved the article, Sazzad!
At last found a proper guide line. Thanks for share this massive article for us.
Hello Saimon,
Thanks for the comment. Subscribe to marketever newsletter to get all of our new posts delivered to your inbox 🙂
Al-Amin Bhai, Thanks for the step by step guideline. This is enough to get started as a affiliate marketer. That’s why I visit Marketever regularly. Keep posting great content regularly.
Thanks for the love, Saiful!
Good article Al-Amin. It is very well explained, the instructions are easy to follow, and the information is selfish free. In this article you covered pretty much everything for setting up a successful Amazon niche site. I’m now following your posts. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the nice comment, Luis!
Very helpful and more informative for make money from amazon affiliate. a lot of Thanks Al-Amin. We are hopeful you don’t stop your your content writing for us.
I really impressed to read your weblog. Have removed my Amazon starting confusion. Thanks
This is really excellent writing and will helps me a lot to get success on my niche site journey. But, I’ve a question to you, what plugin you’ve used to show the comparison chart as like on this article example?
Eagerly waiting for your answer? Thanks
Hi Brother Al-Amin Kabir. At first a lot thanks from my heart for your article. I am really new in this work. Please give me suggestion how I will go ahead.
Hi Mustafiz,
Thanks for the comment, please check our blog index for more contents! 🙂
Hi Al-Amin Kabir,
I have seen your entire content and i must say its really impressive one at least far better than those crappy stuff which comes 1st or 2nd on Google while search about the topic. I got here through Quora. But I have a question about Amazon cookie. You must have doing affiliate with Amazon and even i want to do it for a specific topic but little confused about how its cookie information. My main question is – Suppose i listed products like an E-commerce website on my domain and all of them linked to Amazon product with its affiliate links, then how long that particular link will be valid? If any visitors come after 4 months and conversion done then will i get paid for that? Or its like every day i have create a new hoplink for that particular product. Hope i m able to make you understand with my question.
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Hello Nirmal,
Thanks for the comment, and I’m glad that you found the post useful.
Amazon have a 24 hour cookie policy, you will make money if the reffered visitor makes any purchase from Amazon within 24 hours.
If they add any product to cart during the time, you will get commission if they checkout the product within next 90 days (only for the products they added to cart)
I hope this helps.
Very nicely written and step by guide to Amazon Affiliate marketing niche site, i was searching for this kind of stuff from a long time, and today i got here via your Facebook post. I will surely start work on an amazon affiliate site, and put my questions here if i have some. Bookmarked and subscribed your site for further guides.
Thanks Shah Jahan. I’m glad that you found the post useful 🙂
Love the article but just a heads up, your link to nichesitezon goes to human proof designs.
Awesome website you have there
At first of my comment, I would like to deliver a lot of special thanks from the deepest part of my heart for sharing this type of functional post. Sir, I have been very inspired reading your post fully three times. Otherwise, I am a regular reader of your valuable site. I have learned much from here and from FB group as well. At the same time, I just need one tips and inspiration to launch my career as an affiliate marketer. Can I start it using free blog applying all the techniques you have mentioned? It can be mentioned that I will go for free organic search traffic. Waiting for your reply soon. Thanks again.
Wow cuz this is great job! Congrats and keep it up
Hey Kabir, Thanks for such a step by step guide on Affiliate. I have never read this kind of guide. But one thing I want to know about the links only this thing I am lacking in.
Nothing like anything, It’s a great stuff by Al-Amin, Your article will give me to create an actionable profit by amazon affiliate.
Thanks, buddy!
I am a big fan of this blog. Thanks for the great contents!
Hi Kabir 1st of all thank you very much for such a detail and long guide. I had been looking for amazon guide how and where to start and this guide helped me alot. I have one question If I get amazon associate Id can i use that on multiple site or i need to generate new associate ID for each Niche Site?
Thanks for all of your affords, appreciate it.
Great post vai. Go ahead
Well Done..Kabir bhai…
Thanks for your outstanding guideline to become a successful marketer. I’m just going to start my journey as an affiliate. Thanks again and keep going.
Thanks for such kind of nice post. It is really helpful to the newbie. I got a overall concept and procedure for making an affiliate website for business. Thanks again for sharing your clear concept with everybody. I am highly expecting your further help for any kind of problem to complete my mission.
HI A Kabir,
To be honest I appreciate your amazon guidance. I believe it will help us to reach Amazon higher level.You believe it or not personally i am a little bit envious at your glorious fame. However, welldone! Weldone!!
M M Khan
Dear Kabir,
Excellent Post (Guide). I have specifically two questions..
1) You have not mentioned anything about PBN. Do you use PBNs for your Niche sites?
2) I tried to purcahse touy “Azon Rockstar”, but after clicking the link a blank page appeared. I’m from India?
Dear Al-Amin Bhai, At first, takes my heartiest thanks for your great (multi) achievement. I’m new to visit your site but I feel spell bounding with your outstanding knowledge sharing. I love to say “you have nothing to lose but everything to win in the world”. best of luck boss.
Thank you, Al-Amin vai for your great post. I really want to learn Amazon affiliate marketing from you. Do you offer any course of Amazon Affiliate Marketing? I am interested in to enroll your course
Thanks again,
Hello Boss, I salute you for your helpful guideline on Amazon marketing. Boss, recently I have seen a post about your paid video tutorial which cost is 15000/-. It is really hard to manage the money of your followers like me. Can you make for us some paid video tutorial with a low price containing simple tricks to earn money from Amazon. Plz don`t take it otherwise if I proposed you anything wrong.
Hey Al-Amin,
I just wanted to say how great your content is. I’ve been looking into niche site building for about 6 weeks now.
I developed a library of thousands of articles read. Ive been through all the other sites that are big in this area. And many smaller ones too.
And I can say yours is hands down the most helpful and best.
I’m aiming to launch my first site soon (I’m stuck in a perfectionist mindset on keyword research at the moment…) and will hopefully be back with a success story for you to post here soon!
thanks a lot for the great help already!
First of all thanks for this article that’s you describe very simply how to earn.
Anyone one can learn with simple effort.
Anyway is there any system to earn money by affiliation without any website.
If there possibility please let us know.
I am using Amazon affiliate marketing these tips of your will help me in making money. thanks..
Wow! amazing article with very useful content and images. I couldn’t read all, just read 70% of it!
The steps you explained are all necessary to setup a Niche site, but its my seven months completed for my Niche Ease Bedding.
I learned a lot in these months and have seen that SEO plugins didn’t worked for me. I used them for almost five months Yoast Seo and All in One, but my traffic and sales were same. I wasted a lot of time with them.
Finally I took the decision not to use any SEO plugin and its two months, my traffic is increasing and sales increased tremendously by not using any SEO plugin.
Dear Mr.Al-Amin
Thank you for your great article. I like to meet you asap to consult on building a Amazon Niche Site.
I hope you’ll schedule a small time for me.
Best regards
Yeap, Finally I’ve got a clear idea about amazon niche sites!
Lots of works with patients will be needed so far I guess, but It’s not impossible thing.
Thanks Al-Amin.
Dear Kabir,
Each and every blogs are really amazing .I’m influenced by you , and gonna start affiliate marketing very soon.
I’ll revert to you to get help to lunch my Niche site.
I’m doming the back work / study to start , Hopefully we will start by July Insha-Allah.
Thanks a lot
Excellent and helpful article . Thanks a lot …
This is a Awesome Guideline for Niche site for Amazon Affiliate.
Specially I loved this word –
* Product Price ranging from $50 to $500
* Not a seasonal keyword
Thanks Bro for Sharing This Article.
Great content I have got after searching on Google for a long time. However, I have started Amazon Affiliate Marketing with a Niche Site. But want to rearrange from this guideline. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing such a awesome resource with us. But i have a one question regarding Amazon Affiliate marketing.
I just want to know that, If i am from India and i wanted to create a Us based amazon affiliate account. So it is possible or not?
Best article I found till researching for how to build amazon niche site but this article really stand next to the hope and inspires me!
Great tips, I have been following your advice and finally started to work on my own website – I am wordpress newbie – and it is now finally starting to take shape. I have learnt that it is a marathon not a sprint when it comes to a niche website.
Alamin kobir bro ,
Thanks a bounce . I am web developer but from few day’s I am keeping my focus on amazon niche site profit . exceptional guideline for someone like me , who want to build niche site in near future .
I am regular visitor of your site and try to all of your article on niche building . Keep it up .
very good direction for start amazon affiliate.
What a great guide line! I never found any article as easy and important for Amazon Affiliates!
Hey Al-amin!
Thank you so much for the great and valuable information.